Internet Research Bureau Private Limited ("IRB") owns and operates this website. Please read the below terms & conditions carefully and only if you agree with these, start using the website.
IRB is the owner of this website and the agreement between the company and you is a contract for the provision of services and it shall not create any legal partnership or ownership or the relation of employee and employer.
IRB will consider your eligibility to take part in each of its surveys. You understand that you will be screened out from the surveys if you response doesn’t match the criteria of survey research. The screening criteria of surveys are always confidential.
Hereby you agree to participate in surveys the offers and you understand that you will be asked to evaluate ideas, concepts, products and services.
You will never provide false information on a survey and always answer honestly to the questions asked.
You will never disclose the company's confidential information (company being Online Survey Bureau/IRB and its clients, representatives and associates).
If you are a member of OnlineSurveyBureau.Com site and choose to terminate your membership or de-activate your account from Online Survey Bureau, you can do this by simply clicking on the "unsubscribe" button in My Accounts section on the website after logging in. The termination will take effect within four business days after the receipt of your notice. As soon as your account is de-activated, you will not be receiving any e-mail from us in future and your record will be deleted from our database. Once you unsubscribe from our site, the balance reward amount will get automatically lapsed.
You will never attempt to take single survey multiple times. If you sign up with Online Survey Bureau, you will always login with the same email address that you mentioned at the time of registering with OnlineSurveyBureau.Com website.
We reserve the rights to terminate your entry to the sweepstake even after qualifying the survey if our clients reject your response during qualify check. Quality checks are performed to ensure that respondents are providing honest & thoughtful answers in a survey and are not trying to trick the system just to earn the money.
You will never disclose the company's confidential information (company being IRB and its clients, representatives and associates).
You can redeem the point only when you reach minimum threshold in your account as per the point redemption rule.
Your all earned points will be lapsed if you unsubscribe or your membership is terminated from our site.