Q .) How will I be notified about surveys?
Ans.) You can login to your account and check out daily surveys. You will be redirected to all surveys your demographic qualify for. If you prefer surveys via email address, you can also select this preference in your account and we will send your survey email whenever a new survey is available for you.
Q .) What types of surveys would be available?
Ans.) The survey covers various topics related to social awareness, consumer products & services and your occupation. You need to submit your response to the questions asked in different surveys based on your experience.
Q .) Why do I get the message that you have been disqualified in this survey?
Ans.) Every survey has some confidential screening criteria before mail questionnaire starts, if your response doesn't match in any of the screening question, you will be disqualified in that particular survey however you can still participate in other available surveys.
Q .) Why do I get the message that our quota has been met (quota full)?
Ans.) We need certain number of qualified interviews in every survey. If you start the survey after achieving the projected limit, you will not be allowed to participate in that survey but you will be redirected to other survey if available.
Q .) Will I qualify every survey?
Ans.) No, there is no guarantee that you will qualify every survey but you have some earning opportunity with every survey after answering demographic questions.
Q .) Can I participate the same survey again?
Ans.) No, you are allowed to participate in a survey only once, if you left the survey in middle due to some reason, you won't be able to take the same survey again. As soon as you click on survey link, it expires. If you got disqualified or show quota full message, you are not allowed to participate in same survey again.
Q .) Why did I disqualify in a survey without answering any question?
Ans.) If you show the message of getting disqualified without answering any question, you must have been disqualified due quality and security reasons which is confidential.
Q .) How many survey can I participate in a day?
Ans.) You can take as many surveys as you in a day based on the availability of open surveys at our end and your demographic information.
Q .) Why do I get the survey closed or survey hold message?
Ans.) If you started the survey after it was closed or placed on hold, you will see this message. In this case, you will be redirected to other survey if available.
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